Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is your name REALLY Abeer?
Yes, much as I'd like to humour people and tell them I was named after an alcoholic beverage, no. My name is derived from Arabic and means fragrance. It is used most often in poetic language.

2. Were you born like this/Have you always been this way, or did something happen to you somewhere?
One legend has it that I was thrown into a pack of glitter when I was born, and I've been shining ever since, while another states that my mental state was to be expected, as I was delivered by a gyane who was known for a less-than-sane mind. While the latter is true, I have always been this way from the time I was a teeny weeny baby- outgoing, friendly, obnoxious, poltically incorrect, diplomatic, dimplo-matic (GEDDIT? HAHAHAHA), crazy, wild, spontaneous, random, desi, brown, talkative, rude, and me.

3. Which country do you consider your home?
I cant tie myself down to any particular country, that's so ... normal. Being a pseudo postmodernist, Id like to believe Im a citizen of the universe. Mind you, I said universe, so that gives you 8 other planets to play with. And yes, I reject the whole 'let's-kick-Pluto-of-it-thing-because-its-fun-bullying-tiny-planets-and-to-mess-with-long-standing-abbreviations' game.

4. Why dont you ever eat anything/put on weight?
I wouldnt be able to spread the awesomeness I spread if I didnt eat. Those who have seen me, know that I can eat. I am just very blessed (A) with some genuis genes and a high metabolism rate that hides the evidence of my gastronomical escapades. I also love food, to the point that I love it more than anything in this world. Then again, I love alot of things more than anything in this world.

5. Why do you talk like that?
Because I can.

6. Why are you so weird?
Refer to answer of Question 5.

7. How exactly do you have so much self-confidence? 
Believe it or not, I dont. I just have a wacky sense of humour. +, if you tell yourself long enough that you are in fact good at [insert-whatever-you-want-to-be-good-at], you WILL be good at it. If not, find something else.

8. How are you so positive about life?
I'm not. But I've been in bad places and situations before, and they dont feel very good. What makes it worse is when you have a negative opinion about it, if something bad does indeed happen, it just sends you down a destructive spiral of depression. And that's not exactly what the Carpenters have been crooning about right? So you be happy and begin looking for it. You start with small places, go micro, and take it from there. Slowly when you put hope into something and it does in fact happen, you attain an amount of glee you never thought possible. That in turn makes you positive and hope for better things, which will in fact happen. You wont exactly be going out on a date with Jason Segel just because your project proposal got through (at least that didnt happen with me), but that little miniscule amount of hope, positivity and sunny-ness is enough to upstage even the largest helpings of depression, grim-ness and pessimism. A good example? Monsters Inc. (yes, I know the cynics out there are going, 'HAH! That was fictional'. But you know what? I'm hoping you're reading this with a bit of curiousity about how I'm going to justify that, so win for me because you ARE.) Laughter generates more energy than do scares. And when someone is happy because you're happy, you get happy. And that creates an unbreakable chain of happiness.

9. What is your ambition in life?
To leave behind a legacy.

10. What is your philosophy in life?
Simple- dont hold back. Whatever I feel- whether it's about doing sometihing or telling someone, I say it out. Or do it. I don't know how long I'm here for, and neither do you. We could live till a hundred, or until 6pm today. Why leave something you feel, unsaid or undone? This applies specially if I see something in someone I like- whether its a quality, a possession, whatever. I know what it feels like when someone, anyone says anything nice about me, so I can only imagine how nice someone else would feel when you tell them something nice you geniunely feel. Also, dont take others for granted. Dont assume everything will always be the same, unchanging, and will remain.

11. Have you had Botox?
 Yeah, still kinda waiting for someone to ask me that.


  1. would you consider a nose job?

  2. Some people I know love my nose thankyew very much Dinesh.

  3. Hi Abeeeiiiwww! :)
    I think this FAQ section is SO you and I love how genuinely abeerish it is!

  4. Hey 'Beer ! Great Blog ! certainly will be checking this out on a regular basis !
    Tc and keep up the good work

  5. Aww, what shweet things to say!
    Most importantly you came to my FAQs.
    No one comes to my FAQs.

    Thank you two awesome people!

  6. Your poll, eggs seems to have a good following, which was also my choice.

    therefore it is clear what will happen to u on ur b'day. I suggest bringing a change of clothes to uni, u may need it !

  7. mr. smarty pants.
    if only you knew that my birthday falls on a sunday.
    i aint getting egged.

  8. methinks doth should ditch the "what are u getting abeer for her bday" part by now ! replace it with something else :-P maybe u could put a quiz "what are Abeer's chances of getting Kumar Sangakkara :-P

  9. Yes. High time I think. I shall soon.
    And add another poll.

  10. is that a picture of you when you were young?

  11. Which picture, the profile one? Yes it is!

  12. Your blog is pretty interesting.. twas nice readin nd yeah i reached FAQ too! which means u managed leading me there.. great job.. :)

  13. I just got lead to your blog from some Monash group, a very good job well done, i have not a tinkling of who you are, but i spend quite some time just now reading your blog! gooood work!

  14. Why thank you Talal. Incredibly kind of you. (:
